Milestones of Hope, without Violence, in the Light of the Fâtiha

We would like to thank Fatima B. for her kindness in making these pages available to us.


Life is short, you don't think about it when you're young. You run to work, have fun... We worry about school courses or food and clothes... We think about how to get a good job and how to get a good place to live. And the years go by.

Some people make money by whatever means they can. But are we here on earth just to enjoy life and swindle others?  If you're a believer, don't you want to follow the path that God wants, for a world of justice, peace and friendship?

Should we not hope that the world will achieve the purpose and greatness for which it was created?

Of course, we're not the first to hope for a better world. Why doesn't it all come true? When we're young, it's easy to get excited about an ideal—we want our lives to serve a purpose. How can we make the right choices?


We have heard of the one-eyed Messiah, the Impostor or Antichrist who is to appear (the New Testament already spoke of him).

He's an impostor. He comes up with fakes, with tricks and with imitations. It's important, from an early age, to have a critical mind. For example, there is real information, and there is information that distorts facts or hides certain circumstances. There is medicine that tries to heal ; but there is also medicine that serves financial profit. There is true ecology, for example, which pays attention to the aeration of the soil, to the insects and microscopic beings in the soil, so that plants and animals are healthy. But there is a false ecology, which uses slogans to make money, but which in reality consumes a lot of energy and is not good for health. There is real architecture, which is concerned with people's well-being, but there is also architecture that uses unhealthy proportions, which can go so far as to make people unbalanced. And so on.

It's not possible, especially when you're young, to understand everything, but it is possible to always tell the truth.

"Ad-Dajjâl" is impure and teaches debauchery through various means. Each of us must choose between the two paths. " Antichrist" scheme soon becomes disgusting, leading to violence and death.

The impostor messiah rejects God and leads people to worship Satan, by teaching esotericism, i.e., invoking spirits (various spells or spinning glasses, invoking the dead, playing Ouija, going to a fortune-telling salon, etc.), with the result that fallen spirits enter in, up to and including satanic possession. Each of us must choose—either flee evil influences, or seek the presence of the Most High.

The impostor messiah, the Antichrist, is establishing his power on a kind of pyramid of wealth, and he is enslaving people through debt, a debt that he would like to be perpetual. Let's be careful and honest with money, and avoid "dirty money."


Our Lady of Fatima (Portugal)

In this corrupt world, Maryam the most pure shines like a star of hope.

It is said that she appeared at Fatima in Portugal, in 1917, to three young shepherds.

The experience of millions of people indicates that she can inspire us all, help us to keep ourselves pure, and lead us to the beauty and fragrance of Paradise with God.

Like her, let us decide to be for God and against Shaytan-Iblis,

Let's live in hope and light!

Fleurs transfigurees par la pluie

How is the Fâtiha a source of hope in this world?

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First verse

The God who shows mercy (raḥmān) is merciful in Himself (raḥīm).

In Arabic, the root of the word, rḥm, as in other Semitic languages,

refers to the womb of the Mother.

This first verse speaks of a God who is a God of Life.

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Second verse

Man is made to climb. Summits attract him.

If we can't climb Everest, we'll have plenty of success with accrobranches and climbing walls.

The second verse invites us to put God at the top of our desires.

5 verset 2 monter montagne

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L‛ālamīna can give Lord of the universe or Lord of the centuries :

He has time, and He gives men time to seek Him and turn to Him.

So, why take the life of someone who could still be turning towards God? Not to mention the question of who pays those who kill?

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Third verse

The third verse repeats the first verse:

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God is merciful. He is a God of LIFE!

The Fâtiha insists on mercy.

This repetition inspires hope…

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The fourth verse is the central verse.

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The world that is to result from this Judgment will therefore not be the fruit of a jihad but, ultimately, the fruit of God's intervention.

So what sense does it make to think of playing the universal justifier in advance?

Fifth verse

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This verse makes you think:

- Is there a "You" (God) and a "We" in a relationship?

- Is there personal responsibility?


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Sixth Verse:

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Two questions arise:

- We may believe in good faith that the aim of the recommended path is good. But is it really?

- And even if the goal seems good, are all the means that seem to lead to it really good?

Seventh Verse

7.The path of those You have showered with favors, not of those who have incurred Your wrath, nor of those who have gone astray.

A long-standing and unique tradition states:

- that "those whom You have favored" are Muslims,

- that "those who have incurred Thy wrath" are the Jews,

- and that "those who have gone astray" refers to Christians.

This last verse is an added phrase, a kind of complement repeating the word "way."

Many scholars of the Holy Qur'an have thought that this addition, which is not in good Arabic, is late.

A certain Islamic theology has based on this last verse a vision of the world in two "realms": the "dar al-islam," the Islamic world on which terrorists fantasize, and the "dar al-ḥarb," the world of war, which is presented as depraved.

Meanwhile, in the afterlife,

- Muslims (submissive to God) are promised Paradise (although this is not always clear)

- while the insubordinate are promised Hell (which is very clear).

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Those who take themselves for the saviors of the world also take themselves for the judges of others, and sooner or later, they give themselves the right to eliminate those who don't think like them (including other Muslims!).

And, in this way, they sow desolation, death, pain and division—in the end, they all will have played into the hands of the Antichrist, the Impostor, and will have been manipulated.

The righteous, on the other hand, will live and reign on the Day of Judgment.

We know that the one-eyed messiah, the Antichrist, will have to feed on his shame eternally. He is defeated beforehand.

God is just waiting a little longer for everyone to decide to be for or against him—that's all.

So let's not be afraid or seduced, if most people follow the Impostor.

Let's remain calm. Let's maintain inner peace.

Examine ourselves, correct our faults.

Let's not think ourselves too easily innocent of everything, because nobody is perfect, but let's go forward step-by-step, with wisdom.

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At the movies?

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The film's success is surprising, given that Islam considers the Christian account of Christ's Passion to be "erroneous."

Yet in the film, the Judgment dimension is strongly emphasized, as is the bloodshed. Indeed, we see Satan, who is very much personified in the film, lose his power because of the shed blood of the totally Innocent who offers His life.

However, the blood spilt is also:

- that of the sheep at Eid al-Kebir.

- that of the "unsubmissive," victims of the Islamists.

- that of the "martyr" (shahidd) who loses his life after trying to kill as many of God's enemies as possible.

Issa, Jesus, did not kill anyone, but shed his own blood.

We are on earth to serve God and fight evil.

The hope of a better world refers to the Day of Judgment, which is solely in the hands of the Most Merciful, the God of Life.


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